Humans of HR

ChatGPT and Generative AI - is this the end for the Humans of HR?

David Guazzarotto, Jared Cameron

Welcome to Humans of HR.  We're a podcast and a social movement focused on the everyday challenges people experience at work. Powered by the team at Leapgen Australia.

In this episode we welcome back our original co-founder and host of the podcast - Jared Cameron - to a revamped and reinvigated Humans of HR series for 2023.  Jared and Dave dive into the world of Generative AI and ChatGPT to explore how this technology works; the impacts it could have on the world of work and the HR function; speculate on whether this could spell the end of humankind; and land at a rather romantic and poetic conclusion.  All this and more...

With thanks to NZ's third most popular folk band The Flight of the Conchords for the snippet of their awesome song Robots. 

We'd love to get your feedback, topic suggestions and please refer us to other awesome humans that you know who would love to listen. Don't forget to hit the Subscribe button and provide a rating for our podcast in your favourite player.  Check out the website - Humans of HR - and, of course, post your feedback, comments and topics of interest to the social channels below.

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